Parents’ Perspectives on their Children’s Home Learning Engagement in Modular Approach

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines


Education within the new normal is a challenging errand within the Philippines in an attempt to push through education in the midst of the dangerous widespread caused by COVID- 19. Some schools used modular distance learning to deliver education to the learners wherein teachers made modules with different tasks and learning activities based from the most essential learning competencies. This study determined the parents’ perspectives on their children’s home learning engagement in modular approach of the intermediate learners of Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology, Laboratory School, Main Campus. The descriptive method of research was used to determine and analyze the extent of parents’ perspectives on their children’s home learning engagement in modular approach and academic performance among the intermediate learners. It was found out that the level of engagement of learners’ in-home learning tasks specifically time management had a significant relationship with the academic performances of the learners. The parents and teachers agreed that there are problems encountered with print modular learning. Parents, teachers, and school administrators must work together to respond to the challenges in home learning engagement of the learners this time of the pandemic especially in guiding the learners in answering the modules or activities and providing numerous books and references and stable internet connection.


Parents’ Perspective; Modular Approach; Academic Performance; Correlation


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