The Level of Digital Literacy of Senior High School Students 

MARIA REBECCA B. TALLEDO 0000-0002-5389-527X
Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines


Digital literacy entails the ability of the students to use, analyze, evaluate, and create technology driven media and materials.  The digital literacies of the senior high school students are sustained and enhanced through the varied engaging activities designed by their teachers.  It is expected that learners acquire better learning when how they are taught the way they learn.

The study focuses on the level of digital literacy skills of the senior high school students who come from the selected secondary schools which are feeder schools of ASIST. A descriptive-correlational research designs were employed.  Three instruments were used to gather the data.   These describe the profile of the respondents, revealed the extent of the practice of classroom activities along various teaching-learning strategies and evaluated the digital literacy skills of students.  The instruments subjected for validation by the selected school principals and master teachers received high reliability results.  A letter of intent was personally delivered to the school heads of the feeder schools for the schedule of data gathering. Frequency count, correlation analysis, and regression analysis were used as statistical tools to answer the problem.

Most of the respondents’ access google and use Facebook and Messenger. They assessed that classroom activities along knowledge construction, reflective and collaborative learning approaches are very highly practiced.  They were described to have thorough knowledge and skills in their information, media, and technology literacies.  Their access of wattpads and the number of social media apps, being used got negative correlations with how they construct knowledge.  Furthermore, knowledge construction and reflective learning approaches made a negative impact the students’ information and media literacy skills.  Further, there was a positive effect on the students’ media literacy made by the collaborative activities employed in the classrooms.


Digital Literacy, Teaching Approaches, Information, Media and Technology Skills


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Ratio Analysis of Rice Production Project of Abra State Institute of Science and Technology, Main Campus, Lagangilang, Abra from SY 2011-2016

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines


The study determines the financial condition of the Rice Production as Income Generating Project of Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology Main Campus Lagangilang, Abra, SY 2011-2016.  The study used of the descriptive research design specifically trend analysis. This design aimed to find out the total sales, production cost, liquidity ratio, solvency ratio and profitability of rice production project.

The result of the study implies that the highest sales of Rice Production are in year 2015 with 762,449.67 sales and the lowest sales are in year 2013 with a total sale of 77,409.50. While in cost of production, 2014 with 516,015.00 is the highest and 2013 with 54,129.00 is the lowest. The highest working capital is 296,837.67 from year 2015 and the lowest is from year 2013 with 23,280.50 working capital. The highest current ratio is from the year 2015 with 1.64 current ratio and the lowest is from the year 2014 and 20116 with 1.8 current ratio. The highest net worth is from year 2015 with 296, 837.67 while the lowest net worth is from year 2013 with 23,280.5. The highest solvency ratio is 0.93 in year 2016 and the lowest solvency is from year 2015 with 0.61. The highest leverage ratio is 12.43458625 from year 2016 and the lowest is from year 2015 with 1.568574501. The highest ROI was 64% from year 2015, and the lowest was from 2014 and 2016 with 8%.


Rice Production, Liquidity Ratio, Solvency Ratio


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Crystallographic Design Analysis of Bamboo Woven Crafts of Abra

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Bangued, Abra, Philippines

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Bangued, Abra, Philippines


This study was carried out to determine the geometric concepts, reveal the symmetry analysis, unveil the crystallographic pattern embedded in the bamboo woven crafts of Udangan, La Paz, Abra. It aimed to open a door for students’ exploration and investigation to enhance abstract, creative, and critical thinking. Furthermore, it aimed to give mathematics educators a springboard to transform students’ knowledge to real-world learning experiences. On the other hand, Mixed method of research was employed specifically the Ex-post Facto Analysis and Descriptive method of research. It was done by capturing photos on the patterns and designs of the bamboo woven crafts and had been analyzed using the International Union of Crystallography (IUC) notation. Investigation established that, there were geometric concepts, symmetry analyses, and crystallographic patterns exhibited in the bamboo woven crafts. It was then concluded that, the bamboo woven crafts of La Paz Abra display geometric concepts like points, lines, and planes; symmetry analyses such as reflection, rotation, translation, and glide reflection; and crystallographic group, frieze and wallpaper patterns. The dominant frieze patterns found were pm11 and p1m1, while the dominant wallpaper pattern found was p4g. Other frieze patterns found were pmm2 and pma2, while, other wallpaper patterns were pgg, pg, pmm, cmm, p4, p3, and cm.


Crystallography, Geometry, Symmetry Analysis, Bamboo Woven Crafts, Abra, Philippines


Meriam Webster Dictionary 2020

Vasquez, R., Valera, N., & Zales, J., (2020). “Crystallographic Pattern

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Parents’ Perspectives on their Children’s Home Learning Engagement in Modular Approach

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines


Education within the new normal is a challenging errand within the Philippines in an attempt to push through education in the midst of the dangerous widespread caused by COVID- 19. Some schools used modular distance learning to deliver education to the learners wherein teachers made modules with different tasks and learning activities based from the most essential learning competencies. This study determined the parents’ perspectives on their children’s home learning engagement in modular approach of the intermediate learners of Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology, Laboratory School, Main Campus. The descriptive method of research was used to determine and analyze the extent of parents’ perspectives on their children’s home learning engagement in modular approach and academic performance among the intermediate learners. It was found out that the level of engagement of learners’ in-home learning tasks specifically time management had a significant relationship with the academic performances of the learners. The parents and teachers agreed that there are problems encountered with print modular learning. Parents, teachers, and school administrators must work together to respond to the challenges in home learning engagement of the learners this time of the pandemic especially in guiding the learners in answering the modules or activities and providing numerous books and references and stable internet connection.


Parents’ Perspective; Modular Approach; Academic Performance; Correlation


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Mobile Phone Usage and Indicators of Scholastic Achievement of the Senior High School Academic Track

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Bangued, Abra, Philippines

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Bangued, Abra, Philippines

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines


This study determined the level of mobile phone usage and factors affecting the level of academic performance of the Senior High Academic track students of ASIST S. Y. 2017-2018. Descriptive-correlational research methods were employed to determine the profile and level of mobile phone practice and the academic performance. Subsequently, the relationship of profile and level of mobile phone usage to the academic performance was examined. The result of the study showed that the respondents have an above average level of academic performance and a high level of mobile phone usage. It was also found out that mother’s occupation and frequency of mobile phone usage directly affects the student respondent’s level of academic performance brought about by the type of occupation of most mother parents and the high frequency of mobile phone usage of the respondents. While, other profile does not meddle to their level of academic performance. The use of mobile phone had great potential as a learning tool and it could positively be used for learning purposes in science


Academic Performance, Frequency of Mobile Phone Usage, Mobile Phone


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Evaluation on the Quality and Storability of Cement and Clay-Based Urea Molasses-Mineral Block (UMMB) for Ruminants

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines


Giving a nutrient supplement to ruminants such as Urea Molasses Mineral Block (UMMB), especially in a season where sources of green forage are limited should be considered to give other nutrient supplements to animals specifically on ruminants. This study generally aims to evaluate the quality and storability between Cement and Clay-based Urea Molasses-Mineral Block (UMMB) to be used as nutrient supplements for ruminants. Statistically, there was a highly significant difference between clay and cement-based in terms of weight changes during drying time. In the nutrient composition between clay and cement, the Crude Protein, cement-based is slightly higher (32.63%) than Clay (31.55%). The crude protein for both clay and cement had surpassed the recommended requirement of 12-18% for Dairy Cattle, 11.0-13.0% required to supply adequate protein for maintenance and moderate growth performances in goats.  The recorded range is also higher than the minimum range of (7.00 to 8.00%) recommended for the efficient functioning of rumen microorganisms. Thus, whatever binding agent of either cement or clay is used at 15%, it is acceptable and has a significant nutrient content to serve its purpose as feed supplement to ruminants.


Urea Molasses-Mineral Block (UMMB), Ruminant, Clay, Nutrient supplement, Philippines


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Science Cognitive Skills of STEM 11 Students of Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Bangued, Abra, Philippines


This study assessed the science cognitive skills of the Grade 11 STEM students of Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology, Bangued Campus. It described if significant relationship exists between students’ profile, learning style, and their science cognitive skills. Also, it described if significant differences exist between their cognitive skills when grouped according to their learning styles. The data gathered were analyzed using weighted mean, frequency count and percentage, bivariate analysis, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and scheffe test. Based from the results, Grade 11 STEM students have a good environment at home, learned intelligence and prior knowledge, and motivation. Majority of them were visual learners and have a satisfactory level of science cognitive skills. Student-related factors influence the respondents’ science cognitive skills. Generally, Grade 11 STEM students have no differences in their cognitive skills in science when grouped according to their learning style. However, when take singly; the three groups of learners according to learning style differ in “Analysis” as thinking skill. Parents and teachers must continue helping students improve their science cognitive skills by considering varied factors. Science cognitive skills of students must be assessed or evaluated quarterly or as needed to monitor their learning and that remediation can be done for the improvement of their school performance.


Cognitive Skills, learning style, learned intelligence, motivation, Grade 11 STEM



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Trongco, E.P (2013) “Parental Involvement, Attitude, and Performance in Science of the Grade Seven Students in the Public Highs Schools of Abra”, Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology, Bangued, Abra

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AFPEMCO Livestock and Agricultural Product Bidding System with SMS Notification

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines


The online bidding system is a business approach that allows buyers to compete for goods and services. Bidding is made easier by the use of online technologies that govern the processes. The majority of Abra’s land is utilized for agriculture. It is located in the country’s northwest corner. As a result, farming and livestock husbandry are the primary sources of income for the bulk of the population. Farmers selling their produce in public markets across the province. Unfortunately, if they adopt this option, they are unsure how they will dispose of all of their belongings and the people with whom they engage. The researcher created an online bidding mechanism that would give Abra farmers a better bidding experience. Because early bidding is done through the system, which allows for a more competitive bidding procedure, this enhances their sales. Farmers and buyers’ personal information with contact numbers, as well as stock and commodity descriptions, are all needed to establish a useful system, according to the information needs in this study. Online bidding, SMS notification for bid winners, and report generating are the system’s key features. Finally, the system’s usability received a grand mean of 4.17 with a descriptive equivalent rating of strongly agree, indicating that the system is well-designed.


Bidding System, SMS Notification, Commodity


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The Pedagogical Context of The Learning Plans of The Secondary Education Pre – Service

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines


The study focused on the analysis of the learning plans of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Pre – service Teachers.  The analysis was centered on its basic elements, the possible integration of more contemporary teaching pedagogies and approaches that involve acquisition of higher order thinking skills necessary for future teachers.  The analysis used three stages namely; look within where learning plans were evaluated according to its parts, look beyond where researcher identified interrelationships between the varied activities and the teaching pedagogies and approaches, and the last stage look into allowed the researcher to connect roles of the college and cooperating schools in training and preparing the students to real life teaching field.  The study utilized 20 crafted learning plans which were executed during the pre – demonstration and final demonstration teaching of the pre – service teachers.  The study made use of qualitative design of study.  It was found out in the study that the learning plans followed the content and performance standards prescribed by the K+12 curriculum.  The researcher has identified three phases in the execution of the lesson which are the exploration, hook – up and transfer phases.  Contemporary teaching pedagogies and approaches that strengthen and intensify the higher order thinking skills of the students were determined and these are contextual, reflective, inquiry – based, collaborative and knowledge construction learning approaches.  Such implies that integration of theory and practice are vital in the training and preparation of the pre – service teachers to the teaching field.  Hence, practice teaching is a shared process done by both the college and the cooperating school stakeholders.


 Pedagogical Context, Learning Plans, Secondary Pre-Service Teachers


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Tone Analysis: A Graduate School Technique in Predicting Student Feedback

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Bangued, Abra, Philippines

Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology
Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines


Getting student’s feedback is very important because it can provide insights on course offerings, quality teaching, subject contents, and student experiences to ensure effective delivery of services. Specifically, It achieved the following objectives: 1) Determine the activities of students as reflected in Computer Education Syllabus; 2) Determine the tone of experiences in student activities along tentative, fear, anger, joy, analytical and confident; and 3) Develop a recommender system for syllabus revisit.

The data were analyzed along tentative, fear, anger, joy, analytical and confident tones of experiences. These tones of experiences are grouped into negative and positive. Negative tones include tentative, fear, and anger while positive tones are joy, analytical and confident.

Analytical tone is dominant in all the eleven activities wherein, activities 2 (MS Excel), 4 (MPEG4 MS PowerPoint), and 7 (Creating Flyer) got the most frequency of tone of 20, 22, 21 respectively. The study also found that the Tentative tone as negative experience appeared in all the eleven activities and only activity 9 on designing and creating Tarpaulin using MS Publisher got the highest frequency. Sad tone existed only in activities 3 and 9 on creating slides, inserting objects and animations using MS PowerPoint and designing and creating Tarpaulin. The activities 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 got almost the same frequency of 15 to 19, while activity 11 (Video conversion using VLC) got the least frequency of 14. 

 “Analytical” tone represents the overall positive feedback of the students. “Tentative” tone as negative appeared in all the 11 activities while “Sad” tone only existed in Activities 3 and 9. Student experiences are a rich source for extracting student feedback. It can be used to determine whether an activity in a Syllabus is to be retained or to be replaced


Tone analysis, text mining, student’s feedback, recommender system


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